Merlin Carpenter 'Solo Show II – All Power to the Factory Outlets'
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View: ,Merlin Carpenter is a (young) British artist working and living in London.
For his first show in Estonia, the artist will re-stage “Solo Show”, an exhibition hosted by the Miami gallery Formalist Sidewalk Poetry Club in 2010. It consisted of 37 (36?) large fabric paintings—pieces of fake Burberry check textile on a wooden frame—hung at crazy angles, almost on top of each, other around the walls of a large beachside white cube. (Do you wanna mention anything specific about the Tallinn show? That it will be hung differently etc?)
After the show closes in Tallinn, Carpenter will drive the works in a van through various places around Eastern Europe. (Aliina, we must somehow insert here that this is a Propaganda tour bringing Western luxuries to the ex-Soviet East, and a reference to Trotsky’s civil war train). (—it might be good to mention that the goods arrive at the time when the East is starting to realise the implications of its own desire to become Westernised?) The tour will feature galleries and locations in Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Russia. (Should we mention these locations?)(Plus I drove an empty van from London to Porto last year!)
The exhibition was followed by Burberry Propaganda Tour
Reviews in KUNST.EE (Hanno Soans, 03.07.2013), Postimees (Riin Kübarsepp, 26.06.2013) & EPL (Anne Vetik, 27.06.2013)