Noblessner, Kai Art Center building – Peetri 12, 10415, Tallinn, Estonia, +372 6405770, Opening hours: 
Wed—Fri 13—18, Sat 14—18. 


Jaan Toomik’s work at Whitechapel Gallery and Bildrausch Filmfest Basel

Exhibition: Still from Jaan Toomik’s video “Dancing with Dad” (2003)


As part of the Whitechapel Gallery’s ongoing programme opening up public and private collections, the gallery presents four displays of the V-A-C collection selected in partnership with artists Mike Nelson, Fiona Banner, Lynette Yiadom-Boakye and James Richards. The project lasts from the 9th of September 2014 until the 30th of August this year. The exhibitions go on show in the Whitechapel Gallery’s Collections Gallery, each accompanied by a unique publication devised by the guest artist. As part of Lynette Yiadom-Boakye’s selection, Jaan Toomik’s “Dancing With Dad” (2003) will be shown next to works by Andy Warhol, Peter Doig and David Hockney. The exhibition, opened on the 17th of March, will remain on view until the 14th of June 2015.

Jaan Toomik’s recent film “Landscape With Many Moons” (2014) will participate in the competition programme of Bildrausch Filmfest Basel, Swizerland. The festival will take place from the 27th until the 31st of May2015.