Countdown to a New Year, an online collaboration between Barbara Seiler and Temnikova & Kasela

As we glide through the last days of this unusual year, wishing for better times to unfold in the year to come, Temnikova & Kasela and Barbara Seiler are sharing a potpourri of 24 artworks over the course of the last 24 days of 2020. From Tuesday, December 8, counting down to the new year, we will present an artist with a new work each day. The works relate on different levels to the challenges that this year has brought to us all.
You will find the respective work on our social media accounts, in our newsletter and on our websites, where we will add a new work every day.
For many years, our two galleries have met at art fairs, biennials and gallery weekends all over the world. We have been booth neighbors at art fairs, and helped each other out. This year has been different, as none of us has been traveling, art fairs and biennales have been cancelled, and our galleries have been closed for months. By sharing our gallery platforms and counting down to a new year, we want to revive this spirit and to finally get this year over with!
For more info about the works, please contact or
Instagram: @temnikovakaselagallery @barbaseiler