Noblessner, Kai Art Center building – Peetri 12, 10415, Tallinn, Estonia, +372 6405770, Opening hours: 
Wed—Fri 13—18, Sat 14—18. 

Other: Kaarel Kurismaa "Amor Column". Photo: Stanislav Stepaško

The Art Museum of Estonia Friends of Art Society gift to EKM for its 100th Anniversary is Kaarel Kurismaa’s ‘Amor Column’

It has become a custom that the Art Museum of Estonia Friends of Art Society annually supports additions to the collections of the Art Museum of Estonia by donating works of art that the museum wishes to acquire.

In 2019, the Art Museum of Estonia is celebrating its centenary and this year the society's gift was Kaarel Kurismaa's 'Amor Column.'

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Other: Merike Estna. Photo: Donovan Quiroz, courtesy of Karen Huber gallery

Merike Estna receives Artist laureate salary

Estonian Artists Association has chosen Merike Estna as the recipient of Artist laureate salary during the years 2020-2022. 

Artist laureate salary is awarded to five outstanding artists every year by Estonian Ministry of Culture and the purpose of the salary is to allow professional artists to dedicate themselves to creative activities and thereby contribute to the development of Estonian culture.

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Inga Meldere at Survival Kit, Riga

Inga Meldere is taking part of the festival "Survival Kit 10.1. Outlands", Riga, curated by Solvita Krese, Inga Lace un Àngels Díaz Miralda Tena. Meldere's new project, presented in the festival, is a collaboration with writer Maira Dobele.

Like every year, an empty building in Riga has been chosen as the venue of the festival, in order to draw attention to the potential of its future development. This time, it is the former Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry of the University of Latvia, which was built in 1888 and originally served as a German orphanage, and later – as a police academy.
Opening event is taking place on 23 May, 7pm.

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