Marriage Equality 2024 x Jaanus Samma x Temnikova & Kasela Gallery

Interview with Denes Farkas at Installation art podcast

Edith Karlson’s alter ego Vana (together with Ajukaja) has released their debut 7” album

Kris Lemsalu together with Kitty Florentine at Performa Biennal 2023, New York

Inga Meldere at Structure Envisioned residency, New Orleans, Louisiana

Edith Karlson at the Sequences XI: ‘Can’t see’ art festival, Reykjavik, Iceland

Jaanus Samma at La Bienal de Arte Textile (BAT), Chile

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Kris Lemsalu with band 'New York' at High Line, USA

Kris Lemsalu at Vilnius Biennale of Performance Art, Lithuania

Summer Closure

Katja Novitskova at 40th issue of Cura magazine

Cultural Endowment prizes for Flo Kasearu, Jaanus Samma and Sigrid Viir